Monday, July 18, 2011

backward and forward

This weekend, Andrew and I went on our very last pre-baby trip--a mini anniversary get-away to Chattanooga (it's a short distance and has a good neonatal hospital). In honor of my father-in-law, we took the twins on a little "roots tour" and showed them the place where it all began. The Fertility Center in Chattanooga is where our little miracles were conceived, and where they spent their first 5 days of life. It's where they had their first photos made, and where we had the privilege of meeting them for the first time. It was special to take them back and show them a bit of their history.

While we looked back over the weekend, this week is all about looking forward. We started our childbirth class last week, and will continue that one night per week for the next four weeks. This week we are also taking a breastfeeding class and a child & infant CPR class. Pretty sure Andrew and I will be on information overload, but our pre-birth days are numbered at this point and we feel like there is so much we need to learn. Classes, of course, will not truly prepare us for these twins, but at least they make us feel better as we wait.


  1. You should send this pic to your doctor. It is so cute! Love those babies and so thankful for them :)

  2. I love this pic!!!! It says more than a thousand words!!!
