Sunday, April 8, 2012

life abundant

I have a confession. Since the twins were born, lots of things have been falling by the wayside in my life. Things that were once priorities are now lucky to get accomplished every few weeks. Shocking, I know, but such is my life right now. For the most part I don't feel that bad about it--if the laundry lays in a pile for a little longer or the dust in the guestroom gets a little thicker than normal, the world will go on. One casualty of my current insanity, though, is often my time with God. Too many days, I find myself crawling onto my pillow having spent no time digging through the Word or even engaging in meaningful prayer. I am not holy. Luckily for me, this past week, this blessed day, and this beautiful season is. It is holy. And it is here again to remind me of the promises of the Holy One.

Easter is about life. Life renewed, life resurrected. Our Lord lived, died, and was buried...but He rose! He was not to be found among the dead. He lived then, and He lives today. And because of His life, we may have life eternal.

These are deep truths, mysteries that are impossible to fully understand. With twins in tow this year, I've had little time to ponder these beautiful mysteries this lent. On Friday, however, Andrew gave me a generous gift. A chance to go to Good Friday services....alone. Normally I believe church should be a family affair, but the chance to focus on our crucified Lord without feeding/burping/changing a baby was too good to pass up. So I went. And I stared at the wood of the cross. And I prayed with our dying King. And I realized that God has been speaking His truth to me for weeks now--the truth of life renewed. I just haven't slowed down enough to realize.

I've been privileged to watch two loving couples enter into holy matrimony. A dear friend and my sister have sweet little ones on the way. Two people joined the church where their spouse is already a member, uniting their families in one church home. And two of my precious friends who dealt with infertility now have new life growing inside. This is Easter. This is God becoming man and bringing life to His people.

Happy Easter!

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