Wednesday, April 16, 2014

in stitches

Please add the following to my list of "things I hope to never have to do again:" take my 2-year-old to get stitches. Frances took a tumble off her racer yesterday and landed directly on her chin. Of course I was the one pushing her when the incident occurred, so I feel terrible and have officially deemed myself the worst mother ever.

Frances can sometimes be a bit dramatic (no idea where she gets that), so we knew we were in for a rough day. And as expected, it was bad. Hearing her in pain literally broke my heart. I kept thinking of how brave the parents of children who often require medical procedures must be. Despite the difficulty, we made it through. And afterwards we were rewarded by being entertained by our sweet girl on silly medicine. She made funny faces, kept laughing when she held her popsicle upside down, tried to throw away the sweet stuffed dog the ER gave her (and thought that was hilarious). And proving that their bond is oh-so-strong, when the procedure was over and she sat up, the first person she asked for was BB. And she kept asking for her BB until we got her home to him.

So our Monday turned out to be even more Monday-ish than most. And for some reason I believe this might not be our last trip to the ER.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. I am glad she is ok! I dread our first "major" accident like this. Blakely is a wild child sometimes so I know it's coming!
