We received the rest of our pregnancy pics, and I'm super excited about the results. To be perfectly honest, I think pregnancy pictures are often a bit strange. Because this may be the only time we get to experience this miracle, though, I wanted some nice photos to remember this time. Ashley Hoskins did a great job of capturing my belly in a classy way, and I feel like these really show the love and excitement Andrew and I are feeling right now. Here are some of my favorites...I had a little trouble narrowing it down!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
pregnancy pics
We received the rest of our pregnancy pics, and I'm super excited about the results. To be perfectly honest, I think pregnancy pictures are often a bit strange. Because this may be the only time we get to experience this miracle, though, I wanted some nice photos to remember this time. Ashley Hoskins did a great job of capturing my belly in a classy way, and I feel like these really show the love and excitement Andrew and I are feeling right now. Here are some of my favorites...I had a little trouble narrowing it down!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
a 30 to be excited about
While we are thrilled and thankful to be at this point, things aren't all rainbows and butterflies. I am getting more and more uncomfortable, which means less and less mobile. We took a tour of the NICU this week, since there is a chance our babies will have to stay there for a while, and were reminded of how fragile our babies could be if born too early. Also, this weekend marked the last of our previous three due dates. Each time one of these dates has passed has been difficult, and this past one even more so. Now we only have one due date to go, and are hoping for a much different outcome!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
"Do twins run in your family?" When did it become appropriate to ask a random stranger about his or her medical history? I believe this is just a veiled way to ask whether you conceived with the help of fertility drugs. If someone is awkward enough to ask this, I usually respond with "No, we did fertility treatments" or "No, we did IVF." Awkward questions deserve awkward answers.
"Were you surprised?" Seriously?! Who finds out they are having multiples and is not at least a little surprised? Yes, we did IVF and knew that we had transferred two embryos, but very few couples are blessed enough to have both make themselves at home. This is also, I believe, a veiled attempt to ask about whether you participated in fertility treatments. These people get the same response as above, but usually modified with some kind of "We were definitely excited."
"Did you conceive naturally?" Though this one is rare, people actually do ask this. This question is both invasive and offensive. First, how I conceived is really not an appropriate topic for discussion. When you see a woman pregnant with one child, do you ask her about the circumstances surrounding her conception (was the baby planned, did she and her husband have one too many to drink)? Moreover, it implies that because we used fertility treatments, our children are somehow "unnatural." Just like every other baby in the world, our twins were each conceived with one sperm and one egg (luckily for us, we were able to use our own). Sure, there were a few extra steps, but these are normal, natural children.
"I'm so sorry..." Some people actually offer their condolences when they hear we're having twins. I quickly correct them, informing them that we could not be more excited to be having two children at once.
I know that most people mean well, and that society has a fascination with multiples. I also know that this fascination is not going to end with the twins' birth and that we will be fielding these types of questions for years to come. But I strongly recommend that if you come into contact with someone having multiples, do not ask them anything you wouldn't ask a person having one baby. Congratulate them, be excited for them, and leave the awkward questions tucked away, unasked.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
baby room
The fabric for the sheets and changing pad cover...which was on backorder for months! Worth the wait, though.
A final look at the whole room.
Monday, July 18, 2011
backward and forward
While we looked back over the weekend, this week is all about looking forward. We started our childbirth class last week, and will continue that one night per week for the next four weeks. This week we are also taking a breastfeeding class and a child & infant CPR class. Pretty sure Andrew and I will be on information overload, but our pre-birth days are numbered at this point and we feel like there is so much we need to learn. Classes, of course, will not truly prepare us for these twins, but at least they make us feel better as we wait.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
five years
Five years ago today, Andrew and I entered into the sacrament of marriage. A sacrament points us towards what is sacred and significant. Through the sacraments, we are able to experience God's saving presence and grace. During the past five years of trying to love Andrew well and attempting to allow him to love me back, my understanding of what is good and right has grown immensely.
On July 15, 2006, we pledged our lives to each other with childlike excitement about what the future held. We anticipated a life full of love, excitement, passion, fun, children (eventually), and happiness. We knew, of course, that there would be less than great times, but as we said our vows we were more focused on the "for better" than the "for worse." Thankfully, we have had more good times than bad. We have had the opportunity to travel together, to experience new things together, to ride our bikes 100 miles though wine country together. We have enjoyed exciting moments, driving down roads too narrow to hold two cars in northern Italy, and quiet moments, reading together on the porch on Sunday mornings. While the good days have been innumerable, today I am thankful for the hard days in our marriage.
The past year, this fifth year of our lives together, was the hardest year of my life. It was not, however, the hardest year of our marriage. With every failed treatment, every loss, every doctor's appointment, we banded together more strongly than before. Andrew saw me at my very worst, and loved me anyway. When it was unclear whether I could ever give him biological children, Andrew, a man who has known he wanted kids for as long as he can remember, told me he would marry me a thousand times over. Today, as we prepare for our twins' arrival in less than ten weeks, we are more closely bonded than we ever imagined five years ago. For that, I am eternally grateful.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
showered with love
Last weekend, we had our fourth and final baby shower--a fabulous way to begin the third trimester! Barbeque, strawberry cake, and lots of new baby things...all of my favorites! Three of my college friends and one of Andrew's friend's wife hosted the party (isn't it great when your friends marry people you love), which was an amazing act of generosity considering that three of the four live out of town. This was our only party in Knoxville, and it was so wonderful to celebrate with our local friends and family. We are so grateful to our hosts and guests, and can't wait for the little ones to meet each of you!
sweet hostesses--Mollie, Ellie, me, Ann-Haley, and Lacy
dining room decorations
more decorations
Lacy and Mollie...I have to watch these two when the get together...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Yesterday's appointment left us with much information to absorb. On the positive side, I passed my glucose test, so no gestational diabetes, and I am not yet showing signs of pre-term labor. On the less positive side, at our last growth appointment the babies were 21% apart, which is just 1 percentage point within the normal range. If this disparity gets bigger over the next few weeks, we may have to deliver earlier than we would like. We will be keeping a close eye on their sizes and praying that baby girl catches up a bit, as I would really like to make it past the 34 week mark. Andrew and I are trying not to worry too much, as difficult as that is, since there is truly nothing we can do to direct nutrition to baby girl. Hopefully our petite little princess will be much larger by our appointment next Thursday!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
yawns and hiccups
Baby boy, on the other hand, prefers nighttime. I can count count on him to put on a show most every night, though he tends to move a bit throughout the day. He is definitely the more active twin, or at least the one I can feel the most. At our Thursday ultrasound, the tech turned on the 3d feature and we actually saw him yawn. It's amazing to think that our little son is already doing things like yawning--that he is already doing many of the things he will do when he joins us this fall.
Watching and feeling these little ones move never loses its excitement. Their growing bodies, however, are starting to take their toll on me. Sleep is becoming very difficult, and by about 2:00 every afternoon the excruciating back pain begins. Yesterday for the first time I had trouble putting on my own socks, and I almost couldn't bend over to take the dogs' leashes off. It's hard to believe that my belly still has 10 weeks of growth to go...but it's also hard to believe that our babies will be joining us in such a short time. Whatever permanent (or not so permanent) damage it does to my body, I just pray that these pumpkins will stay put at least 8 more weeks.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
friday fun
After walking over to the hospital and getting several bands strapped around my belly, my blood pressure went down and we determined that there were no contractions (which I had been trying to tell them the whole time). We were able to come home rather quickly, thankfully with no babies in tow yet.
Following a couple of hours of rest, the babies went to their first major concert...Taylor Swift. It was fabulous! The babies can hear now, and they kicked and danced the whole time. I think they are going to be music lovers!
Note: The babies' actual first concert was Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors, who I strongly recommend you check out. They were only 13 weeks old then, though, so they couldn't hear yet. No worries--they will have plenty of DH&N in their future.