And continuing the theme of late posts....
Shepherd turned four in September, and he continues to be a ray of sunshine in our family. He is fun and silly and creative. He has developed a love for art and drawing...he goes through so much paper each day! He practices his name and has a song to remember how to spell it. He has become really interested in learning and is so proud of all the information he gathers.
He still loves to make up shows and dances, although his love of Star Wars has meant fewer princess shows and more Darth Vader. He likes to dress up, go to his room, then wait for us to chant his character's name to make his entrance. He loves to give out autographs and selfies. I adore his goofy side, and I pray he never loses it.
While he is silly, Shepherd is also super sensitive. He gets his feelings hurt, but doesn't want to admit it. He is so sad to not be at the same school as Barnes and Frances--he misses them like crazy. He doesn't like to be called any names other than Shepherd (though he allows family to say Shep). He runs through the house from Ellis when he thinks Ellis might bite or hit.
Shepherd is so dear. His love for life and spunk are contagious, and his spirit draws people in. He is a special, unique boy, and I am so thankful to be his mom. I cannot wait to see the plans God has for his sweet life.
For his party, Shepherd wanted to recreate Jedi training from Disney World. His friends all got Jedi robes and lightsabers, and everyone had a chance to fight Darth Vader and meet a Stormtrooper. Andrew was a great sport and actually led the Jedi training! It was truly a blast!